Grading Rubrics

Grading RubricsCreate custom Rubrics to grade your Assignments. Rubrics allow you to create a standard of performance for your students.
To add a rubric, follow these steps:
  • Select Gradebook in the left menu of the Course Profile.
  • Select Grade Setup directly underneath Gradebook.

  • Click the Add button in the upper right in the Grading Scales section.

  • Select the Rubric option and fill out the form.
    • Enter a name for the rubric.
    • Create titles and descriptions for each criteria.
    • To add additional rows of criteria, click on the +Criteria button.
    • To add additional columns to the scale, hover over the cell and click on the + icon that appears to the left and right of each cell.
    • To remove a row or column, hover over the cell and click on the x icon that appears in the upper right.
    • To reorder the rows, click on the double bars to the left and drag it to the appropriate location.
    • Use the menu items on the upper left to close or hide the rubric.
    • The Total Pts for the rubric will automatically adjust as you add rows and columns

  • To create a rubric using learning objectives or standards, click on the Alignments link next to Criteria.

  • Click Create to complete.
  • Note: You may create a rubric using either custom criteria or alignments, but you cannot create a rubric that contains both.